Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Of Popcorn and Carbonated Drinks...

It has been a while since I've done any movie reviews.
I blame it partly on myself.
As far as I'm concerned, cinemas and shopping malls are the last places I want to be in right now.
However I did go out for certain movies, just the really anticipated and big ones.

So, it's that time for movie reviews.


And no, I didn't watch it in 3D.
But this movie promises a pretty good storyline with breathtaking scenaries that I'm sure will pretty much look awesome in 3D.
One of those rare 3 hour movies, but it was definitely worth not going to toilet during the whole period.

Verdict: 7.5/10
The movie was enchanting overall, and suffice to say definitely one of the better 3 hour movies that was worth the money.
The plot was equally done up pretty well.
Definitely recommended for people of all ages.

Synopsis can be found here.

Sherlock Holmes.

Based on very good reviews from certain trustworthy sources, I decided to catch this with Sean who was back from Australia.
The reviews were definitely correct in every sense, and the plot was probably the best part asides from the action that was happening all over the place.

Verdict: 8.5/10
Yes, probably one of the best verdicts in my personal opinion that I've given to a single movie.
I think what really enchanted me was how he analyzed ahead of time and came up to the deductions and explanations that apparently could only be explained by "magic".
It was so intriguing, that the movie just flew by and before you know it, it was over.
Those of you who love good plot shows, and who are fans of mysteries and investigations...this is definitely it.

Synopsis can be found here.

Those were about the 2 other movies that I've caught.
I think I've lost touch of the recent movies before those two, but I'm looking forward to a few upcoming 2010 movies.
Whether I'll have the time (or risk going to shopping malls) to catch them, is another thing altogether.
But I'll definitely watch these somehow or rather.

Ironman 2.

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.


2010 is starting off really well in terms of good movies that are upcoming.
Till my next update, this is Matt signing off.


louiselaine said...

I love Sherlock Holmes. I love Robert Downey Jr. I love Iron Man.

Ooh, I have a joke:

One night, on a camping trip, Sherlock Holmes wakes up Watson and says, "Look at the stars. What do you deduce?" Watson thinks for a minute and says, "Well, I see millions of stars, many of which resemble our sun, which most likely have their own planets, which most likely have life-forms like us, so I deduce that there is life on other planets." And Sherlock says, "No, you idiot, someone's stolen our tent."

Matt said...

Totally random.

And the joke, LOL.
Robert Downey Jr. sounds just the kinda guy in the movie to crack up a joke like that. xD