Monday, March 16, 2009

Silence falls upon deaf ears...

Sometimes I wished I could save you...

I'm emo.

Hahaha! = [

I've been out for quite a bit. Lets just say I feel so 'helpless' without a camera to snap pictures with. Gotta wait till the parents are back from Johor. Oh, which reminds me...

I'm home alone for 4 days! Partaaaaay!

Had a good dinner with my prom date, just to get to know her before actual prom this Friday. Won't be the typical prom, but I think I'll make the best of what comes out of it.

I'm stressed out. Dissertation demands my attention, and yet I'm at the mercy of my lecturer replying my e-mail by which he is very inefficient at. I need to send out questionnaires soon, and if he doesn't approve by tonight, I'm going ahead with it tomorrow. I'm kinda sick and tired being so backtracked and its time to catch up.

Will post up more pictures of the Singapore trip soon. Just got that from Su and she's all the way in China. Till my next post, adios...

PS: And Man Utd went down 4-1. Trashed, crashed, and...OWNED!

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