Tuesday, April 29, 2008

We don't fight fair...

Fall Out Boy - The Take Over, The Breaks Over.

This song's been in my head for a while. Fall Out Boy is awesome. = )

Some updates. Was out to dinner on Sunday at Island Cafe, and yesterday at Harvest Tuck Shop. So I had 2 nights of good food, albeit awkward company; Family and my ex. Awkward much, but yeah...

My dinner; Golden Mushroom Chicken Chop Rice @ Island Cafe, SS2.

Peach tea.

Appetizers. Fruit salad & Fried beancurd(Taufu).

Andrew and Anna's Cheese Spagetti, or something like that.

Parents' Butter Sauce Rice. This was pretty good.

Did not take much pictures though, due to the rather awkward ambience.

'Kai Jeow'. This is a Thai dish. Had this at Harvest Tuck Shop, Section 17. Honestly, the food here is awesome. Those of you who want more info, message me. xD

I realized college life is getting too routine. Seriously...Bleah.

Signing off,

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